Guangzhou Bureau Director Dai Kun inspection peak said that "there is no certification of products still subject to quality supervision".As to warranty issues, Guangzhou Consumer Council Secretary-General Mr LEE Wing-tat said, remote control helicopter is free into the three packages "range, the Consumer Council also rarely received complaints. If consumers want to warranty, only invoice with the merchant at the time of purchase. Remote-control aircraft, dialogue dolls ... now children's toys become more and more expensive, often several hundred, as with home prices, but little toy manufacturers can offer a warranty, nor even a remote control helicopter, model cars and so on "expensive" toys or warranty services. Not only that, some manufacturers also suspected to be using "14-year-old above toys not compulsory certification" of playing feed that to avoid compulsory certification.
This software named. You can let your Apple iPhone in connection standard DSM2 radio module, remote control plane or remote control helicopter. We can see from the video, iPhone connect to DSM2 radio modules, and then run the iPhly software. This software will allow iPhone and DSM2 modules communicate with iPhone's gravity induction reach remote control plane. However, this is not the first time through the iPhone to remote control plane. Earlier this year, Parrot company released a new remote control plane, named AR.Drone. But it needs to have WiFi support.
This time the military remote control boat exercises held in the Hormuz which is vital on transport global oil supply. The U.S Department of Defense spokesman Whitman said that American officials are closely watching the naval remote control helicopter exercises. However, he said, this seems to be a routine remote control boat exercise.